
Our Mission and Vision

Preserving the Czech and Slovak heritage and promoting intercultural understanding in the greater Boston area.

We aim to establish a Czech and Slovak Cultural Center in the Boston Area. Our last one was sold 80 years ago.
Be part of the history and consider supporting our “20 for 20” GoFundMe campaign:

If you love what we do and want to show your support, please donate money to our fund. By donating you will help to cover future events. PayPal and major credit cards are accepted. We appreciate any donation. Thank you!



Thank You For Your Support!


Community Ads

Continental Bakery
Slovak Owned

Our specialties include large variety of miniature Italian pastries, a wide variety of cakes, tortes, pies, custom-made cakes, wedding cakes, etc. 123 Main St, Everett, MA.

Phone: 617-387-4045


Casopis pre tych, ktori radi citaju

Spolok, ktorý sa snaží o podporu kultúrno-vzdelávacích aktivít československej komunity. Našim hlavným cieľom je udržiavať a ďalej predávať naše kultúrne dedičstvo svojim deťom a zároveň podporiť záujem o slovenský a český jazyk hlavne u mladého čitateľa prostredníctvom kníh. Našou hlavnou aktivitou je založenie knižného fondu, ktorý chceme sprostredkovať československej komunite v Bostone a jeho okolí.



Martin Gilar
Ceska kniha Nebojte se Ameriky

Kniha Nebojte se Ameriky lici vtipne postrehy ceskeho imigranta v Massachusetts. Kniha se spetkou ironie a poradnou davkou humoru porovnava zivot v Cechach a Spojenych statech. Dozvite se o Americe pohledem zevnitr, o americke narodni hrdosti, vychove deti, skolstvi, nebezpeci termitu, a proc Texasane tak miluji zbrane. To, co se neda vyjadrit slovy doplnuje bohata fotograficka dokumentace. Informace o zakoupeni dostanete primo od autora, napiste mu zpravu.



Vlado Kolenic
Sacrificing FAME for FREEDOM

Czech and Slovak Association, Inc introducing one
that does not really need introduction for many.
Vlado Kolenic, a prolific songwriter/composer and multi-instrumentalist, grew up in Bratislava. Slovakia. In the late 70th his band TAKTICI topped European music charts surpassing such acts as Queen, The Bee Gees and ABBA. Then the socialist Government canceled his band’s concert tour of England, he defected to the United States.
