January 15–24: Hungry Bear Tales

Czech Republic’s Hungry Bear Tales @ Belmont World Film’s Family Festival, Virtual Edition
January 15-24
Recommended for age 3-8
For more info about films, workshops, tickets and passes visit www.belmontworldfilm.org
Stories for young children and their parents, full of humor and delicious food! Cuddly bears Ned and Mishka, characters based on the books by Zbyněk Černík, are best friends who share a cosy house in the forest. One of them is big, the other tiny. Together they set off on the merriest–and most hilarious–adventures to fill their rumbling tummies with something really good to eat, with as little effort as possible. This series of short stories show how these two funny bears met, how they cook together, taste truffles, hunt for blueberries, celebrate Christmas in summer since they sleep through every winter, and how they make up after a fight. There is even a huge feast to which bears from all over the world have been invited.