March 6, 2022, 3pm: MIRKA NOVAK & JIRI NEDOMA in concert SOLO & DUO

Czech and Slovak Association presents
MIRKA NOVAK & JIRI NEDOMA in concert SOLO & DUO to commemorate the birth of the T. G. MasarykCome join us for some live jazz on a Sunday afternoon!
Admission FREE. Donations are appreciated:…/mirka-novak-jiri-nedoma-in… We recommend making the reservation at Harvard Garden at 1 617 523 2727 as well. Mirka Novak is a vocalist, performer, songwriter and vocal coach from the Czech Republic. She graduated from the University of West Bohemia with a master’s degree in 2013. Mirka brings to the stage a unique soulful voice and contemporary sound spiced with groove. As a musician, her confidence can be sensed, both in the rhythms and melodies she often improvises on the
Jiri Nedoma is an active performer, accompanist, and teacher throughout the New England. He is a highly sought-after pianist, keyboardist, and arranger who blends jazz, classical, R&B, and gospel into his own personal musical language. Graduate of Berklee College of Music, Boston Conservatory and Conservatory in Prague, Czech Republic.Special thanks to MZV Ceske republiky, Spevak winery and Harvard Gardens
as well as volunteers, Board of Directors and Advisors of the Czech and Slovak Association, Inc.