April 25, 2023: Every Day is New: A Conversation with Lucie Lomová.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 from 6:00-7:30 PM
Harvard University
12 Quincy St, Cambridge, MA
Baker Center, Plimpton Room (133)
Czech comic-book author, illustrator, and artist Lucie Lomová will speak on her award-winning books, especially her most recent comics-diary Každý den je nový/ Every Day is New.
Lomová is the recipient of several awards. Her books have been published in German, French and Polish.
For more information visit: https://slavic.fas.harvard.edu/event/every-day-new-conversation-lucie-lomova
Organized by Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Czech Cafe Boston/Veronika Tuckerova and Czech and Slovak Association, Inc