May 19, 2023: Iconito: Slovak Popular Band from Michalovce Coming to US

Co-creator of project Korene and the winner of Košický Zlatý Poklad 2014, folklore-inspired Slovak band Iconito, is coming from Michalovce to Boston!
Friday, May 19, 2023, at 7PM
St. Johns’s Episcopal Church, 74 Pleasant St, Arlington
Join us for an evening of folklore and rock infused music and a chance to meet Slovaks, Czechs in our community!
Or cash at the door.
All proceeds from the concert will go to the Czech and Slovak Association in Boston.
About Iconito
In March 2014, before the Slovak presidential elections, the singer Kristián Dufinec produced his first own song called Chcem zmenu (I want change). The song had a great response on the internet and before the second round, it inspired the guys to shoot a viral music video. Later, the continuation of the song Spolu za jedno lano (Together pulling on the same rope) was released, which was a message to the new president.
In November 2014, Iconito won the Košický zlatý poklad (Košice Golden Treasure) competition with the song Dva svety (Two worlds). In the fall of 2015, the musicians signed a contract with the Warner Music CZ publishing house. As a harbinger of the new CD, they released the song Za Karpatským lesom (Behind the Carpathian forest), which completed the musical story about the Slovak mentality. In the spring of 2016, their debut album, Človek a Klaun (Human and a Clown), was released. In 2017, their single Slovenské devy reigned for several days on YouTube. In November 2018, the band released the single Táram, and in the same year, the band played as a guest on the last tour of the group ELÁN. In 2020, the band announced cooperation with FS Zemplín and together they started working on the multi-genre educational show KORENE. In 2021, the group released the single Korene, which surpassed the previous success of the song Slovenské devy. In 2022, the show Korene premiered in Michalovce, and in December of the same year, the band and the Zemplín ensemble released a joint double album with the same name.
Visit Iconito website to see their videoclips and learn about their recent projects.