March 2, 2024: Slovak Astrophysicists in Boston

Exploring the vastness of the Universe: from the cosmic particles interacting with the Earth’s atmosphere and space rocks in the Solar system to the distant worlds, black holes, and the cosmology.
Slovak astrophysicists currently residing in the Boston area sharing their work with the community.
Saturday March 2, 2024 at 5:30-7 PM
110-Fong Auditorium, Boylston Hall, Cambridge, MA (Harvard Square)
Dominika Ďurovčíková (MIT)
Peter Kosec (Harvard & Smithsonian)
Šimon Mackovjak (SAVKE/Boston University)
Ján Šubjak (Czech Academy of Sciences/ Harvard & Smithsonian)
Peter Vereš (Harvard & Smithsonian)
Presentations will be followed by a discussion panel and Q&A. Afterwards, we will move to a nearby venue for a social, dinner and networking.
All are welcome. The event is in English.