September 21, 2024: Meet Slovak BioTech Experts at Harvard

September 21, 2024: Meet Slovak BioTech Experts at Harvard

We cordially invite you to join us at Harvard University for an enlightening afternoon with Slovak biomedicine and biotechnology experts from the Boston area.

Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 3:30 PM
Harvard University (near Harvard Square, exact location TBD)


Zuzana Tóthová
(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)

Michal Greguš
(Northeastern University)

Petra Páleníková
(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)


These distinguished professionals will share their groundbreaking discoveries, research, experiences, and career paths. The talks will touch on a variety of interesting topics, including:

Blood Cancer Research: The latest discoveries in how genetic changes cause blood cancers like leukemia, and what researchers are doing to find a cure.

Bioanalytical chemistry: How to analyze tiny samples like single cells, and still get useful information.

Protein network biology: Studying how proteins work together in human cells to understand the mechanisms of psychiatric disorders.

Following the presentations, there will be time for discussion, Q&A, and networking. Please, remember to RSVP:

The event is organized by Slovak PRO and will be in English.

