CANCELLED: March 23, 2020: Film Sviňa
Date And Time
Mon, March 23, 2020
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Refund Policy
No Refunds
Film Sviňa – šokujúci thriller, podľa bestselleru Arpáda Soltésza Sviňa, ktorý je inšpirovaný životom.
Sviňa sa odohráva vo svete vysokej politiky, mafie bielych golierov, zločinu, obchodu s bielym mäsom a veľkých peňazí. Bestseller Arpáda Soltésza odhalil ako funguje moc, aké násilie sa okolo nás odohráva vrátane obchodu s neplnoletými dievčatami v resocializačných zariadeniach.
Film prekonal vsetky doterajsie rekordy v navstevnosti a doteraz ho na Slovensku za tri tyzdne videlo cez 350 tisic divakov.
Sviňa (2020) oficiálny HD trailer – YouTube
Sponsored by Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic Mr. Peter Muzila

March 7, 2020: Stories of Our Neighbors: Eva Paddock
Harvard University, Boylston Hall 103.
Saturday, March 7, 2020, 5-7 pm
Students from the T.G. Masaryk school in Boston, under the guidance of Klara Velicka and thanks to the generosity of Eva Paddock, have had a unique opportunity to participate in an oral history project Stories of Our Neighbors, under the umbrella of the Prague based non-profit organization Post Bellum. The students will present their work based on their interview with Eva Paddock, about her journey on a train of Sir Nicholas Winton from the occupied Prague to London, and her life in the UK and US.
by Boston Cafe Cz Veronika Tuckerova
refresments will be provided

NEWS: Jan Antonin Bata receiving the 1st Degree White Lion

December 8, 2019: FREE CONCERT: Piarissimo Choir
Piarissimo Choir from Trenčín, Slovakia.
St. Camillus Church, 1185 Concord Tpke, Arlington, MA 02476
Sunday, December 8, 2019, 3pm.
More info to come.
An ordinary youth gospel choir formed into a mixed choir, which interprets more complex secular and spiritual compositions of various historical periods – from Gregorian chants, through Renaissance, Baroque to a contemporary modern spiritual music. The repertoire of the choir also consists of Slovak folk songs as well as African spirituals.
Several performances have been given at various fundraising concerts in the city of Trencin cooperating with some of the leading Slovak artists. Annually, the choir takes part in an international project of a school choirs‘ meeting from three Slavic countries – Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. It has also performed at several choir festivals in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic.
For many years there has been an active cooperation with Chamber Orchestra of Karol Pádivý Elementary Arts School in Trenčín.
The number of choir members is variable, this school year there are around 45 singers including students, former students and professors of the school.
The fact to be proud of is, that the performance of Mozart’s Te Deum is the most viewed video of this composition (over 258K views) on youtube.com.
The artistic director and conductor since its inception is Martin Holúbek, a graduate of Kardoš Private Conservatory in Topoľčany, currently working as a music teacher and a deputy director of the above mentioned Arts School in Trenčín. He is one of the founding members of ADOREMUS choir (1992) and was a member of Bratislava Conservatory Chamber Choir and a conductor of a parish choir NATIVITATIS Trenčín, which he has been leading for 20 years.

November 17, 2019: 30th Anniversary of Velvet Revolution
Letos oslavíme třicet let od Sametové revoluce. Připojte se k nám a pojďme si společně připomenout významný den českých a slovenských moderních dějin. Bude se zpívat, bude se besedovat, na výčepu bude Pilsner Urquell.
Akce se bude konat v neděli, 17. listopadu, v Harvard Gardens, 316 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02114 od 14:30 hodin. Od 15 hodin vystoupí skvělá Ester Wiesnerová.
Více informací doplníme brzy.

December 1, 2019: St. Nicholas Celebration
The First Parish in Weston
349 Boston Post Road
Weston, Massachusetts 02493
December 1, 2019, 3pm
Please bring a present for your child with a name, an age and a short message. Children should prepare a short song or poem, etc. to perform. Refreshments would be appreciated.